Posts Tagged “Osprey”

A friend of my has a boat dock with an Osprey next 20 feet from the dock. You can get close enough to watch and take images without being too close and upsetting the birds. This day, I was lucky to be there where their dinner arrived. I love how the wings are fully open…

The Osprey hawk visited today and sat and posed for me. I love the detail in his/her feathers. Also I love the death stare. There are 3 Osprey that fly around in our area. This one sat while the other 2 were flying high above. This was taken with Canon 70D with Canon 100-400mm II…

I found this Osprey Hawk nest on top of a street lamp post. Just as I was taking a few images, dad returns home with dinner. Taken with Canon 70D + Canon 100-400mm II L lens.