Posts Tagged “flower”

Well it’s day 5 of 5 in the Black and White challenge. Thanks to my friend Jerry Ireland for including me in this. This is one of our orchids. We, Angela Aristizabal-Myeress and I, have about 8 plants. Most bloom several times a year.

Happy Friday. Here is a simple BW of a beautiful orchid. I used Nik software to convert from color to black and white. I like the texture on the pedals. Very detailed.

I took this shot of the butterfly and then added a filter from NIK to give it alittle something “extra”. What do you think? I’d love to hear your comments.

Happy Friday! We found this sunflower field and I took LOTS of shots. I used Nik software to soften foreground and give it a “glow”. Sunflowers make you smile.

I shot these flowers and then used soft focus filter to lessen the depth of field. I like the softness of the image. Do you?

I haven’t photographed any flowers in awhile, so I thought it was time to do some. This is a macro of an orchid that I gave my wife. No, I wasn’t in trouble. Just thought it would be nice.

I added the HDR effect to this colored sunflower to add detail and grain. I think it is different than the normal yellow sunflower.