Archive For The “Animals” Category

I found this proud bald eagle not far from my home in Sarasota, FL. He is keeping a watchful eye out while his nest with a couple babies is close by. I love the look and feeling of this image. Any thoughts? Taken with Canon 70D with Canon 100-400mm II L.

Here’s a photo for NBC’s new spring TV show- 9 Turtles & a Gator. Airing Tues night after Dateline NBC, lol I was so surprised that so many turtles were lying around the gator. Like they were old friends. They laid out together almost everyday this week. The title sounds like the movie-…

I found this Osprey Hawk nest on top of a street lamp post. Just as I was taking a few images, dad returns home with dinner. Taken with Canon 70D + Canon 100-400mm II L lens.

The local Osprey hawk came by this morning with breakfast (a fish). He/she likes to sit on the edge of the roof outside our bedroom. I wish it wasn’t so cloudy. This would’ve looked great against a blue sky showing off the feathers. Image was taken with Canon 70D and Canon 100-400mm L II zoom.

Doing more testing of my new lens, Canon 100-400mm L II, and loving it. Here is a gator that visits a few times aweek in the cancel behind our condo. I love the texture and detail this lens gets. Very sharp. Where have you been all my life? Lol. I’ve added an HDR effect to…

I just received my new lens, Canon 100-400mm L II. These were my first shots. I went out behind our condo and there was a lot of activity today. Birds and gator. I kept my eye on the gator as I was photographing the birds. I didn’t want to be surprised. Anyway, I’m happy so…

We had a visitor this past weekend. A full grown red-shouldered hawk. He/she hung out for a few minutes. Gave me enough time to shoot a few frames.

I took this image a few months ago. Yesterday I was playing around and came up with this new “fairy tale” look. What do you think?