Archive For The “Flowers/Plants” Category

#TGIF Is that #friday breaking through? Nope. The sun. Just a quick post to say- “Enjoy your weekend” This was a 3 exposure HDR image combined into 1.

Recently, I was out in my garden taking some macro shots of some plants, when I had a visitor. From out of the bushes came the green monster, the HULK. He was huge. Look how he towers over the mushrooms. And he was fast. I only got off this one image and then he was…

Well it’s day 5 of 5 in the Black and White challenge. Thanks to my friend Jerry Ireland for including me in this. This is one of our orchids. We, Angela Aristizabal-Myeress and I, have about 8 plants. Most bloom several times a year.

Happy Friday. Here is a simple BW of a beautiful orchid. I used Nik software to convert from color to black and white. I like the texture on the pedals. Very detailed.

I found this red mushroom in our backyard last night. Thought it was really cool. BUT, not cool enough. I thought it needed something. Maybe some Super Mario friends. Which do you like better? The original or the “friends” version. I used Nik Color Efex to give it a sunlight look. Then I used OnOne…

I found this red mushroom in our backyard last night. Thought it was really cool. BUT, not cool enough. I thought it needed something. Maybe some Super Mario friends. Which do you like better? The original or the “friends” version. I used Nik Color Efex to give it a sunlight look. Then I used OnOne…

I shot this awhile ago at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Miami, FL. This was a 3 exposure HDR, -2,0,+2. I used Nik HDR Efex Pro 2 for processing.

Do I need to say it? OK, Crap it’s Monday. Here’s something from the backyard from this weekend. This was shot with the new Canon EOS M.