Posts Tagged “tree”

With the holidays here, you never know who might “drop” in for a visit. Last night we had nice treat. Spidey came by to wish us a Merry Christmas. He stayed long enough for me to take a picture. This was taken with Canon 5Dm4, Canon 50mm, f5, 100 iso, 1/15 sec . From…

We had a visitor the other day. At first I didn’t see him/her. Blended so well into the tree. But then, I saw the eyes. The bright yellow eyes staring back at me. It was a Great Horned Owl. It sat there for a few minutes. Just long enough for me to grab my camera…

While we were vacationing in Colombia, South America, I saw this tree in the middle of an open field. I liked the way it stood alone. Tree against the rolling hills. The tree is outstanding in it’s field, lol.